Water park
We were heading towards the water park,
We were on the road about 5 minutes away from the water park
The other bus is right behind us When we got to the waterpark
it was crazy It was a big obstacle course When we got into
the water it was crazy people were jumping people were
Running I started to do the obstacle course but then
I fell in But Someone fell off a tower
and landed wrong they broke their back
I plan to go and help them But then
The teachers went and help them.
And one kid he was scared as hell And when he went into
the water he freaked out And he nearly drowned himself
but the teacher's got him out So far it was chaos at the park
Then a couple minutes later the people started yelling
Because a Meteor your was heading down To the park
And the meteor Was going to hit the park
Everyone was out of the water and getting on the bus People were crying and freaking out We keeps on driving People Were scared The driver is driving as fast as he can a kid is freaking out And he ran into the driver The drivers Nearly crashed Kid got a massive trouble And the Meteor hit the lake We were all in the car when it happened People with screaming ach started following The bus The Everyone was out of the water and getting on the bus People were crying and freaking out We keeps on driving People Were scared The driver is driving as fast as he can a kid is freaking out And he ran into the driver The drivers Nearly crashed Kid got a massive trouble And the Meteor hit the lake We were all in the car when it happened People with screaming ach started following The bus Thedriver keeps looking back And one of the buses got covered ashes The teacher's were trying to make sure everyone with them Stayed calm But themselves were freaking Out So many cars were trying to get out of the way for us We were able to get out of the ash area The teacher's were celebrating Most people were crying